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       In order to fully mobilize and encourage colleges and universities and college students to actively participate in the in-depth application research of new technologies in intelligent manufacturing and the scientific popularization and scientific quality construction of the coordinated development of the intelligent manufacturing ecosystem,Stimulate innovation,Improve your creativity。Our school has decided to organize the Liaoning Province Intelligent Manufacturing 188bet online sports bettingScience Popularization Creative Innovation Competition on-campus selection,The relevant matters are now notified as follows:

1. Organizer

       Sponsors: Liaoning Provincial Department of Education, Liaoning Provincial Department of Finance

       Organizer: Shenyang University of Science and Technology

       On-campus sponsor: College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center

       On-campus organizer: College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center

2. Participant objects and requirements

       All current students in our school can participate,The creative work must be completed by a maximum of 5 people,Each work can have 1-2 instructors。

3. Types and requirements of entries

       1.General requirements

       (1) All submitted projects must be the results of research or production after January 1, 2022,And has not participated in the previous two games of this event。

       (2) The selected project work must be submitted by the student author himself、Select or discover,Design and research by yourself,Made and written by myself;No intellectual property dispute,Imitate、188bet online sports bettingPlagiarizing other people’s works,Once discovered,Disqualified,All responsibility lies with the author。

       (3) The application materials submitted must be complete,The information is true and reliable。

       (4) Specific submission materials,Declaration form (see attachment for template,The format only supports PDF,After filling in, it needs to be uploaded to the website declaration office)、Other supporting materials (design instructions or text materials、Video、animation、PPT、APP、Physical works, etc. need to be uploaded to the website attachment)。

       2. Intelligent manufacturing knowledge popularization works

       The creation of entries should be aimed at improving the cognitive science quality of teachers and students in intelligent manufacturing,Characteristics and patterns surrounding smart manufacturing,Must be scientific、Popularity and practicality,At the same time, it should also be interesting and popular。

       3. Intelligent manufacturing 188bet online sports bettingScience Popularization creative and design works

       The entries must be in 188bet sports bettingline with the development direction and concept of contemporary intelligent manufacturing technology,and scientific、Innovation、Practicality、Systematic creative and innovative works that are being conceived or models or physical works have been designed。Focus on smart products、Smart Service、Smart equipment、Smart production line、Smart workshop、Smart Factory、Intelligent R&D、Intelligent management、Smart logistics and supply chain、Intelligent decision-making and other fields。

4. Competition time and registration method

       1. Competition schedule

       Registration time: now to October 21, 2022

       2.Registration method: Participating students need to register on the Liaoning University College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management Sharing Platform and upload their works,The URL is (http://cxcy.upln.cn/)。

5. Award setting

       The competition has first prize, second prize, third prize and excellence prize.

6. Contact information

       School contact teacher: Teacher Tagawa

       Contact number:15909811818

       188bet online sports bettingContact student on campus: Wang Mingyang

       Contact number: 18240404790

       Competition official QQ group: 839231079

       Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LEDMr5lyUEFNliBzDjkY8A

       Extraction code: 9656

College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center

                               2022September 6 

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Address: No. 30, Quanyun Second West Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
Postcode: 110167 Tel: 024-31679767/31969585
Copyright © 2022 Shenyang University of Science and Technology
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