188bet slot casino

View: 26588 Published: 2016-05-17

       In order to strengthen curriculum construction,Improve teachers’ teaching level and teaching quality,Promote the transformation of our school into an application-oriented one,Exploring an education and teaching model suitable for the actual situation of our school,April 5 to 29, 2016,The Academic Affairs Office organized the selection event for the 2016 school-level 188bet sports bettingoutstanding construction courses。

       School-level 188bet casinoexcellent construction courses refer to the neat teaching team、Good teaching conditions、Teaching reform is effective、Courses with outstanding teaching effects,After identification,The college provides key support to school-level excellent construction courses,The department focuses on curriculum construction,The construction goal is school-level quality resource courses。

       The requirement for applying for 188bet casinoexcellent construction courses is basic courses、Professional basic courses or large-scale professional courses,And it has been opened in our school for more than 3 consecutive years。The course leaders participating in the selection are full-time teachers of our school,Have the title of lecturer or above,And have taught this course for no less than 2 rounds in the past 3 years。Recommended by various departments,A total of 9 submissions including "Principles of Chemical Engineering" etc.Application materials for 188bet casinoexcellent construction courses.

       April 20 afternoon,The 188bet casinoexcellent construction course expert review group composed of the school teaching committee conducted a comprehensive review of the 9 applied courses。9 course leaders formed the teaching team in the form of PPT、Teaching methods and methods、Teaching material construction、Scientific research, teaching and research results and other course construction status were reported on site。The review experts raised questions regarding the course leader’s report,And gave suggestions on course construction。Deans of each department、Deputy Director of Teaching、The person in charge of the teaching and research section attended the review meeting。

       final,Dean Wang made comments on behalf of the expert review team。Dean Wang fully affirmed all departments、Efforts made by teachers in curriculum construction,Point out the curriculum system of participating courses、Teaching Team、Textbook compilation、Construction of exercise bank、Insufficiencies 188bet slot casinoin teaching, scientific research, etc.。Dean Wang emphasized three points in particular: First,We must be guided by the standards of quality courses,Comprehensively lead and promote the construction of all courses in the school,Generally improve the level of courses,Improve teaching quality;Second,We need to strengthen the basic work of curriculum construction,Promote curriculum construction in a solid and effective manner;Third,It should be combined with the training objectives and requirements of applied talents,Strengthen curriculum reform and innovation,Strive to explore the characteristics of curriculum construction。

       Review by listening to the report of the course leader and watching the teaching video of the classroom record,The teaching committee gave a fair score to each participating course,Seven courses including "College English" taught by Wang Man's team from the Basic Department were finally selected as the 2016 school-level 188bet sports bettingoutstanding construction courses。

       188bet slot casinoThis selection activity of outstanding school-level construction courses is not only a display of teachers’ teaching achievements,It is also a platform for mutual communication and learning;Improved teachers’ enthusiasm and initiative in curriculum research,Created a strong teaching and research atmosphere throughout the school。

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