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       October 31,Our school grandly held the unveiling ceremony of the College Student 188bet online sports bettingInnovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Team Plaque Awarding Event at the Shenke Maker Space。School leader Yang Huaren、Wang Yinv、Wang Xikui、Zhang Liying、Gao Hongzhen and the heads of relevant departments and departments、The resident team instructors and student representatives attended the event。The ceremony was hosted by Tian Chuan, deputy director of the College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center。

       At the unveiling ceremony,Principal Yang Huaren、Secretary Wang Yinu first jointly unveiled the red silk covering the plaque engraved with "Shenyang University of Science and Technology College Students 188bet online sports bettingInnovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base"。

       Vice President Wang Xikui continued to award plaques to the 188bet online sports bettingInnovation and Entrepreneurship project teams settled in the base and delivered a speech。He pointed out,The construction and development of our college student innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base is our school’s implementation of the national、Related provincial and municipal policies,A new attempt to make full use of the advantages of school resources to expand high-level schools,will play an important role in talent cultivation。At the same time,He put forward three hopes: First, we must effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission,Strive to explore effective ways to cultivate applied talents,Improving the quality of talent training,Contribute 188bet casinoto the transformation and development of the school;Second, we must give full play to the role of the base as a platform and link,Strive to transform innovation and entrepreneurship achievements into local economic construction and production practice,Incubation becomes an effective resource and driving force for social and economic construction and development,Create good economic and social value,Continuously cultivate and deliver more high-quality innovative and entrepreneurial talents to society;Third, we must further strengthen and improve the construction of hardware conditions,We must pay more attention to connotation construction,We must start with the "elements,Competency-based” talent training concept,In-depth exploration of effective ways to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents,Gradually build our college student innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base into a distinctive private university innovation and entrepreneurship education demonstration base。

       Outstanding students of 188bet online sports bettingInnovation and Entrepreneurship 188bet casinoeducation in our school、Huo Chao, the representative of the settled company, also gave a wonderful speech。He is grateful to the school for providing everyone with bright and clean windows、Warm and comfortable office environment and professional instructors,Enable students’ unbridled ideas to truly come to fruition in the fertile soil of our college student innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base!

       At the same time,He introduced the new projects his entrepreneurial team is developing to solve life problems。

       The successful unveiling of our college student 188bet online sports bettingInnovation and Entrepreneurship incubation base,will further guide and promote the teachers and students of the school to actively participate in the trend of innovation and entrepreneurship,Make our school’s innovation and entrepreneurship education achievements a dazzling star in the school’s development。From now on,The incubation base will also adhere to the following principles "Get the elements,The educational concept of “ability-based”,Enable "Dual Line Parallel",Competence-based,Competence-based,The innovative 188bet mobile logintalent training model of "Open Innovation" has been solidly and effectively integrated into innovation and entrepreneurship education。

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