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       New coronavirus pneumonia epidemic attack,touching everyone’s heart。current,Epidemic prevention and control enters a critical period,We have you to fight against the epidemic,Care and companionship,The school actively implements corresponding prevention and control measures,Start the temporary hardship subsidy mechanism,Issuing special temporary hardship subsidies to students whose families have financial difficulties due to the new coronavirus epidemic。
       In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the video conference on epidemic prevention and control in the province’s education system,Effectively guarantee the basic learning and living needs of students from families with financial difficulties during the epidemic,March 29,Notice issued by the Student Affairs Office,Focus on file creation and card establishment、Minimum living security、Orphan、Group of students with special difficulties such as disabilities,Understand students’ living conditions at school,Perform statistical reporting on students with real difficulties,Achieved a clear bottom line、Situation clear、Accurate data。The notice of "Shenyang University of Science and Technology Special Temporary Difficulty Subsidy Application" was subsequently 188bet casinoreleased,Each department will review the status of students applying for subsidies。Currently,The school has issued special temporary hardship subsidies for the epidemic to 76 students from families with financial difficulties who have been greatly affected by the epidemic, a total of 3.80,000 yuan。
       Remarks from our school students after receiving the special temporary hardship subsidy for the epidemic
Dear school leaders and teachers:
       I am Li, a student from Heilongjiang Province。In the countryside,My parents rely on farming and working outside as the main source of family income,But due to the sudden arrival of the new crown epidemic in mid-March,My father cannot go out to work and does not have time to farm, resulting in my family currently having zero income。
       There is no love for disasters,The new coronavirus epidemic has affected the hearts of all school leaders and teachers at Shenyang University of Science and Technology,The school immediately released news about the special temporary hardship subsidy for the epidemic,My counselor, Mr. Wang, called me immediately,Mobile condolences,Learn more about how our family is affected by the epidemic,And provided me with timely hardship subsidies for those affected by the epidemic,Let me feel the warmth and school leadership given by my alma mater、The counselor’s deep affection。I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders and teachers of Shenyang University of Science and Technology,And pay my highest respect!
——Classmate Li from the Department of Chemical Engineering
Dear leaders and teachers:
       I am Ding from the Department of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering,Home is Shulan City, Jilin Province, where the epidemic is currently raging,I am from a low-income family,The sudden epidemic has made the family even worse。Thanks to the school for 188bet mobile loginpaying attention to us students from difficult families,Especially during this epidemic crisis,The school has never forgotten us,And give me financial support。For me, this funding is a timely help。Here,I report to the school leaders、I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teachers and everyone who cares about and helps our students in financial difficulties!In the days to come, I will use my own practical actions to repay the school’s kindness to me,Repay your alma mater and society with excellent results。
——Student Ding from the Department of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering
Dear school leaders and teachers:


       I am a student who received the school’s epidemic subsidy during this epidemic,First of all, I would like to thank the school for the practical help it gave me,I would like to express my deep gratitude to the school leaders and teachers!

       When the epidemic does not break out,My family life is caused by my parents’ illness,Especially the father is the backbone of the family,Cannot engage in heavy physical labor due to lumbar disc prolapse,The family relies on the income from farming for a year,Limited financial resources,So the economic conditions are not optimistic,Coupled with three years of torture due to the epidemic,My family cannot do many things,It also affects the income of the family’s economy。When our family is in trouble,I am very grateful for the school’s subsidy,For me,This subsidy is like a fire of hope,It ignites me to study hard,You can’t corrupt your thoughts all day long in school,I will continue to improve myself in the future,Be a person who contributes to society!
——Student Yang from the Department of Information and Control Engineering
Dear leaders and teachers:
       I am Yao from Sichuan Province。A new wave of epidemic is coming in 2022,It has had a huge impact on my family, which relies on working as a source of income。
       There is no love for the epidemic,The outbreak 188bet slot casinoof this epidemic has affected the hearts of all teachers at Shenyang University of Science and Technology。Counselors and teachers passed interviews as soon as the epidemic broke out、WeChat,Learn more about my family’s life、Economic Situation,And told me to pay attention to protection,Ensure good health,If you have any special circumstances, please inform the school at any time。And it is also during this most difficult time,The school lends a helping hand,Provide me with material help,Give me spiritual encouragement and spiritual comfort。I feel very honored to study at Shenyang University of Science and Technology,Thanks to the school for its help,Reduced my family’s financial burden,Made me feel the warmth of the school even more。
       I will never let the school down in the future,Continuously improve yourself in study and life,Become an excellent、People who are useful to the country and society。
——Yao, Department of Environmental and Biological Engineering
Dear leader and teacher:
       I am a student from the Department of Economics。A few days ago,I received a special grant from the school,I immediately felt the deep love given to us by the school。Although the virus spreads quickly,But love and warmth spread faster!Teachers not only provide us with material subsidies,More spiritual help。We will also actively cooperate with the school,Protect yourself and your family,Waiting for the day when the epidemic is defeated。
——Department of Economics  Classmate Xu
Dear teacher:
       I am a student in the Department of Management from an ordinary rural family,The traffic conditions and economic development in the village are relatively lagging behind,Both parents are ordinary farmers,Depend on farming to make a living,Meager income,Occasionally my father goes out to work,Now under the influence of the new crown epidemic,The village implements closed management,The 188bet sports bettingmovement of vehicles and people is not allowed,The family’s financial situation has also been affected。
       During this period,The school also provides timely psychological care and material help to students with family difficulties,Thank you for making me feel the beauty of warmth,It made me feel that there is true love in the world,No matter how gorgeous the words are, they cannot describe my mood at the moment,No matter how beautiful the language is, it seems pale and feeble at this moment,Thousands of words combined into one sentence,That’s thank you。
       In the days to come,I will work harder,Strive hard,Strive to achieve better results to repay the help the school has given me,At the same time, I want to have a grateful heart,I am grateful for the help the school has given me and pass on this love,I hope that I can also help other people in need in my future life and study。
——Meng Meng, Department of Management
       There is no love for the epidemic,The school’s care warms people’s hearts。Shenyang University of Science and Technology pays close attention to every student,Always stand with everyone,Work together,Overcoming difficulties!
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