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View: 17267 Published: 2020-10-03

    Recently,Results of the 13th National College Student Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Social Practice and Science and Technology Competition announced。After fierce competition between teachers and students from 418 universities across the country,The work "New Energy Smart Chicken Coop" directed by our school 188bet casinoteacher Wei Wei won the third prize in the country。

    It is reported,The National College Student Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Social Practice and Science and Technology Competition is sponsored by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education、The only national college student subject competition hosted by the Office of Higher Education。This competition closely focuses on national energy and environmental policies,Closely integrate with major national needs,High starting point、Large scale、Many quality products,Wide coverage。In this competition,Total from Tsinghua University、Zhejiang University、Shanghai Jiaotong University、3881 valid works from 418 universities at home and abroad including Harbin Institute of Technology participated in the competition,Almost all 985 in the country、Students from the 211 Engineering University actively participated,The teachers and students 188bet sports bettingof our school can achieve good results in such fierce competition,Fully reflects the results achieved by our school in practicing the concepts and ideas of innovation and entrepreneurship education over the years。

    The organization of this competition will be officially launched in May 2020,Organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering,The teachers and students of our school responded positively,After the school defense review、Selection,A total of 15 works were finally selected to participate in the national competition。

    Through the organization and participation of this competition,Provides an opportunity to communicate and learn with teachers and students from top domestic universities,Enhanced the awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection among teachers and students of our school、Technological innovation awareness and teamwork spirit,Expanding the scientific horizons 188bet online sports bettingof our university students,To pave the way for our school to further carry out innovation and entrepreneurship education。

    "New Energy Smart Chicken Coop" is controlled by a remote control system、Voice control system、Energy supply system、Access control system、Fermentation system and other components,Utilizing IoT technology,Achieve modular control、Remote control。The power of each module in the system is supplied by solar power,Reduced emissions of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide,Also saves power resources。Send the feces and food residues in the chicken house to the biogas tank for fermentation,Send the generated biogas to the user’s home,Supply fermented fertilizer to vegetable greenhouses,Not only achieves resource recycling,Also replaces some fertilizer resources,Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers,Green and pollution-free,Realized the integration of economic 188bet online sports bettingdevelopment and energy conservation and environmental protection concepts,Fully embodies the development concept of full utilization of resources and the integration of environmental protection and science and technology。

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