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       Learned recently,Our school’s teachers won 188bet online sports bettinggood results for outstanding papers in the “Liaoning Higher Education Society’s Eighth Academic Annual Conference and Young and Middle-aged Scholars Forum Essay Selection Event” organized by the Liaoning Higher Education Society。Among them,Liu Shuxia, Basic Department、"Strategies for the Construction of English Teaching Materials for College Students Based on Job Needs" written by teacher Liu Kunpeng won the third prize for outstanding paper;"Research on the Application of "MOOCs" in Higher Mathematics under "Internet + Education"188bet slot casino" written by Han Yunlong from the Department of Basic Studies won the third prize for outstanding paper。


       Liaoning Higher Education Association was established in 1979,is a branch with 48 branches、More than 50,000 members    Academic groups。This Essay Selection Activity of the Young and Middle-aged Scholars Forum,Aimed at strengthening study and implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress,Implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people,Innovative higher education 188bet sports bettingeducation mechanism。This essay selection event attracted the attention and submissions of teachers from 115 universities across the province,Declared by myself、Recommended by member schools、Expert review、Liaoning Education and Research Network Announcement,A total of 196 papers won the third prize for outstanding papers。

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