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       Recently,The results of the 2021 Liaoning University 188bet best betting websiteAnimal and Plant Specimen Competition are announced,Strictly selected by the review team,Our school’s entries won a total of 10 provincial awards,1 first prize respectively、3 second prizes、5 third prizes、1 Excellence Award。

       Achievements achieved through this competition,Fully reflects the achievements of our school’s training of applied technical talents,Strengthened the hands-on practical ability and innovation and entrepreneurship 188bet sportsbook reviewability of our university students,Enriching the extracurricular cultural life of our university students,It ignited the enthusiasm of students to actively participate in the competition。

Pictures of finalists 

       It is reported,This year is the sixth time our school has participated in the Liaoning University 188bet best betting websiteAnimal and Plant Specimen Competition,Under the specific sponsorship of the Department of Environmental and Biological Engineering,The whole school formed 32 finished works。After 188bet casinoschool competition、Selection at all levels for the provincial competition,Inspiring students to love nature、Professional love,Enhanced teamwork awareness。In the online defense final,Through experience exchange with teams from major universities,Gained valuable experience,Promote professional education and applied talent cultivation in our school。

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