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       In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on resolutely curbing food waste,Guide teachers and students to firmly establish the awareness of diligence and thrift,Earnestly develop the habit of diligence and thrift,Strive to create a "shameful waste"、Good atmosphere of "Proud of Saving",According to the "Provincial Education System's Action Plan to Stop Food and Beverage Waste and Cultivate Saving 188bet sports bettingHabits",The Student Office organized a “Cherish Food” event on October 16th,Start with me,Start from now" series of themed educational activities。

“Love food and save food” initiative

       Diligence and frugality、Hard work is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation,It is a vivid practice of cultivating and promoting the core values ​​of socialism。In order to vigorously promote thrift、Green and low carbon、Scientific diet、Life philosophy and food culture of healthy consumption,The Student Affairs Office links multiple on-campus WeChat public accounts,Initiated “Be an advocate of cherishing food” to teachers and students、Be a practitioner of cherishing food、Be a model of cherishing food、Mobilization initiative to be a leader in cherishing food,In this way, teachers, students and staff of the school can be guided to take action together,Start now、Start from scratch,Let’s cherish and save 188bet sports bettingfood、Rejecting food waste has become everyone’s inner consensus and code of conduct。

Theme class meeting mobilizes

       In order to ensure the implementation of superior action plans in our school、Achieved actual results,Each department held a theme class meeting based on grade level,More than 3,000 students were organized to watch "The World of a Grain of Rice" in separate sessions、"Follow Li Ziqi to watch the life of rice" and other public welfare videos,Education guides students to understand food production more intuitively、Process,Further feeling that food is hard-won,Establish a "glory of thrift" for it、The sense of responsibility "wasting shamefully" has played a positive role in promoting it。 

Signing ceremony to make a commitment

       In front of the second teaching building,Teachers and students are taking part in the "Cherish Food,Start with me,Signed on the promotional banner "Start Now",Expressed determination to practice economy。And they all expressed 188bet sports bettingthat they should start from themselves,Do it in moderation、No overeating,Practice frugality into every aspect of life。

       In the lobby of the second teaching building,The team of student representatives from each department is neatly organized,Don’t give up, don’t give up,Solemnly swear: "Every grain is not easy"、Don’t give up, don’t give up。And promise,Cherish food,Start with me,Start now!A practitioner of “Operation CD-ROM”,Become a promoter of "Operation CD-ROM"!”

Practice "CD-ROM" to redeem prizes

       In the student restaurant,Just finish the meal and clear up the dishes,You can exchange the CD for yogurt、Mineral water、Small prizes such as fruits。As the activities progress,More and more students spontaneously join the team,And showed a photo of himself and the "CD",Deduced a unique and wonderful visual feast for the launch of this series of activities。

       This series of theme education activities has received positive response from the majority of students,188bet casinoEveryone saves food and loves food through practical actions,Strive to be a practitioner of "Operation CD-ROM"。CD is an option,It should also be a responsibility!Here,I also hope that all teachers and students in the school will continue to start from themselves,Advocate civilization、Health、Frugal way to spend food and drinks,Be a practitioner of "Operation CD-ROM",Be the defender of the civilized dining table,Work together to contribute to national food security!

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