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       To deeply study the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Comprehensive implementation of the National Ideological and Political Education Work Conference in Colleges and UniversitiesDiscussion spirit,Further strengthen the professionalization of our school’s counselor team、Professional construction,Integrated with college counselors in Liaoning ProvinceRelated requirements for professional ability competition,The school launched the seventh counselor professional ability competition,And completed on March 9thEnd。Wang Yinv, secretary 188bet sports bettingof the school party branch,Assistant Principal、Gao Hongzhen, Director of the Student Affairs Office and deputy directors of student affairs in each departmentRen attended the competition and served as a judge.

       This counselor professional ability competition starts from the theoretical basic knowledge、Keynote Speech、Three aspects of heart-to-heart talkProceed,Comprehensive examination of counselors’ ideological and political education theories、Professional knowledge、Professional abilities。In the keynote speech session中,Participating counselors focus on “Don’t forget your original intention and dream of educating people,Keep your mission in mind and move forward”、"On the road to growth,You and I are the samerow”、"Creating noble teacher ethics,Impromptu speeches on the three themes of "Building a Monument of Personality"。Chemical Engineering Department Branch Youth League Committee LetterRemember Wang Shuang said in his speech, "I want to learn from Teacher Qu Jianwu,Be a lifelong counselor、Being a counselorlifetime,188bet casinoresonated by all the counselors present,It is this sentence that explains the counselor’s attitude towardsEmotions and experiences about student work。During the heart-to-heart conversation,Each participating counselor will provide daily ideological and political educationThe work uses scene reproduction to conduct on-site interviews with students on different topics and problems,Conversation topics coveredIndustry Employment、Awards and Excellence、Academic difficulties、Join the Party、Funding、Emotion、Mental health education and many other aspects,eachCounselors can grasp the main line of conversation and communication skills,Help students solve problems by talking slowly,EffectivelyResolve contradictions,Encourage students to rebuild their confidence and learning goals。final,Wang Shuangrong, counselor of the Department of Chemical Engineering, won first placename,Hou Yabin, counselor of the Department of Economics, won the second place,Jia Yunfei, counselor of the Department of Management, won third place。

       Assistant Principal、Gao Hongzhen, Director of the Student Affairs Office, 188bet slot casinocommented on this skills competition,Competition to counselorswas highly praised for its good overall quality and mental outlook。He pointed out,Successfully passed the exam at the beginning of schoolOrganizing counselor professional ability competition,It is a test of the work of counselors,It is also a professional ability competition for counselors,marks the beginning of the ideological and political education work of students in this school year。Hope that all student work teams will unite as comrades一心,Don’t forget your original intention、Keep the mission in mind,Do a solid job in the ideological and political education of students in our school。

       Last,Wang Yinu, Secretary of the Party Branch of the school, gave a speech,Giving full praise to the participating counselors for their wonderful performanceYes,She hopes to organize a counselor professional ability competition,Further improve the connotation construction of our school’s counselor team,Promoted the professionalization of the counselor team、Professional construction,Tempered the ideals and 188bet online sports bettingbeliefs of counselors,Expect all at the same timeSports counselors must continuously strengthen the study of ideological and political theory,Use the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to arm our minds and improve political theoryQuality,We must learn from Comrade Qu Jianwu, the “model of the times”,Always grasp the pulse of students’ thoughts and guide them wellpasserby,Keep up with the pace of the new era,Be brave enough to break through and innovate,Use new ideas to work hard to educate students on ideological and political education。


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