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       Recently,A group of seven people from the School of Marxism of the school participated in the "Integrated Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools" training course sponsored by Wuhan University。The 188bet casinotraining class adopts special lectures、Interactive seminar、Field visits and other forms。The course content covers "Integrated Construction of Ideological and Political Courses"、“Heterogeneity of the same course under different academic stages”、"Interpretation of the teaching spirit and teaching content of the introduction course of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" and other aspects。The training class has rich teaching,Various forms,Participating teachers benefited a lot。

       The 188bet casinotraining class adopts the form of study groups for after-class discussions and exchanges。Dean Liu Fang, as the leader of the first group, gives an after-class summary。She pointed out: Teaching ideological and political 188bet online sports bettingtheory courses is an important part of building moral character and cultivating people,It plays an irreplaceable role in cultivating outstanding talents with both ability and political integrity。As an ideological and political teacher,We must deeply understand and implement the concept of ideological and political education,Always pay attention to students’ learning status;The integrated construction of ideological and political courses is an inevitable trend in ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools,Through the effective connection of ideological and political education at each school stage,Form a systematic education system,Promote communication and cooperation among 188bet slot casinoteachers,Work together to improve the teaching quality of ideological and political courses。

       Practical training session,The training class organized all the students to visit the China Bridge Museum,Revisiting the history of bridge development in China,All students have a deeper understanding of the party’s confidence and determination to lead the people to create a better life,All students have received deeper ideological baptism and practical training in practice。

       Passed five days of study,Help participating teachers gain a deeper understanding of “Integrated Construction of Ideological and Political Courses in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools”,I hope that school ideological and political teachers can put what they have learned into 188bet slot casinopractice,Jointly promote the teaching of ideological and political courses to achieve more fruitful results。

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