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       In order to implement the spirit of the notice of the Ministry of Education’s “Spring Employment Promotion Action”,Implement the special action requirements of “Universities visit enterprises to expand 188bet online sports bettingjobs and promote employment”,Further broadening internship and employment channels,Promote the internship and employment work of our school graduates to be in-depth and practical,Recent,Led by Wang Hongpeng, Vice President of our school,Visited Neusoft Group Co., Ltd.、Shenyang Linlong Technology Co., Ltd.、Liaoning Zhonglian Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd.、Liaoning Xin Guojing Sports Culture Communication Co., Ltd.、Liaoning Shengde Huaxing Chemical Co., Ltd. and many other companies。

       In the process of visiting,The company welcomes the arrival of our school’s delegation,And from the development status of the enterprise、Business Scope、Talent needs and other aspects were introduced 188bet sports bettingin detail,Company leaders’ technical level of our school’s intern students、Professional spirit、The down-to-earth work attitude gave high praise and full affirmation。

       Vice President Wang Hongpeng expressed his gratitude to the company for its long-term support,And promote internship and employment、Improve talent training plan、Exchanged opinions with enterprises on strengthening school-enterprise cooperation。Subsequently,He cordially expressed condolences to the intern students,In-depth understanding of students’ work and living conditions。Communicating,He encouraged students to have a positive attitude、Do your job well in a down-to-earth manner,Check for leaks and fill them 188bet online sports bettingin time,Discover the deficiencies in learning。The interns felt cordial and warm to the visits and condolences from the school leaders,It strengthens the confidence to take root in the frontline development of the enterprise,Everyone expressed that they will complete the internship seriously,Accumulate internship experience,Improve practical ability。

       This visit,Reflects the school’s great emphasis on school-enterprise cooperation,It also reflects the school’s concern and high expectations for intern students。Our school will continue to carry out the special action of “Visiting Enterprises to Find 188bet online sports bettingjobs and promote employment”,Promote deep integration of school-enterprise cooperation,Vigorously 188bet online sports bettingdevelop the graduate internship job market,Promote graduates to stay in Liaoning and Shenyang for employment,Promote high-quality and full employment of graduates。

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