Our 188bet online betting organizes a discussion and exchange activity for the "Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea" into the course ideological and political teaching

In order to further help our 188bet online betting teachers improve their ideological and political education and teaching capabilities, improve their effectiveness in cultivating morality and cultivating people, help the 188bet online betting comprehensively promote the ideological and political construction of curriculum, deeply promote the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, and strengthen the collaborative education of curriculum, recently, our 188bet online betting organized a discussion and exchange activity for the "Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea" to integrate the ideological and political teaching of curriculum.

All teaching units use the lesson grinding process to explore and create excellent ideological and political teaching cases for curriculum that fully connect the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea with ideological and political courses. Through the demonstration and sharing of excellent teaching cases, they will drive the ideological and political construction of curriculum in the whole 188bet online betting.

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In this course ideological and political teaching seminar and exchange activity, a total of 22 special course ideological and political teaching cases were collected, and centralized reviews were organized on campus.

The review experts conducted in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the case from multiple dimensions such as the teaching concept, overall design, teaching objectives, content analysis, process and methods, case effect, etc., and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions. The review experts highly praised some excellent cases.

The holding of this event not only provides our 188bet online betting teachers with a platform for exchange, learning and joint improvement, but also provides a solid foundation for promoting the formation of a scale and a system for ideological and political construction of our 188bet online betting’s curriculum, and laying a solid foundation for comprehensively improving the effectiveness of moral education and people.

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