On the evening of May 8, Shenyang University 188bet online betting websiteof Science and Technology ushered in a dazzling fluorescent night running event. More than 400 students from Shenyang University joined the night running feast. They arrived at Fengyu Stadium for pre-match inspection one after another, and received fluorescent vests and fluorescent bracelets. They wore fluorescent equipment on their bodies to embellish themselves, dazzling like flowing stars, and gathered into a beautiful landscape, adding endless charm to the entire stadium.
188bet online bettingIn the warm-up session, the dance "Fantasy Call" presented by the college student art troupe blew up the audience immediately; a nice song "If I Can" allowed the students to relieve themselves from the fatigue of the day and wave their hands to follow the singer's rhythm The light sticks in the performance; the dance medley "Talk that Talk" pushed the atmosphere to a climax, with thunderous applause and cheers from the audience.
At 18:30 in the evening, the starting gun was 188bet free bettingfired and the night run began. The students surged out from the fluorescent arch, wearing fluorescent vests and fluorescent bracelets and walking side by side. Looking around, the fluorescent lights were shining along the way. Under the stars, the students' enthusiasm for sports was fully unleashed and ignited on this night.
今年是五四运动105周年,沈科学子通过荧光夜跑的方式,缅怀五四先驱崇高的爱国情怀和革命精神,以青春的热情和活力,188bet online sports betting app迎接新时代的机遇和挑战。同时,本次活动旨在增加学生体育锻炼意识,让学生走出宿舍、走向操场,在体育锻炼中增强体质、享受乐趣。