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Dreams are fire, lighting up extinguished lamps

Inspiration is a lamp, lighting up the road at night

Diligence is the way, leading you to the dawn

In the Mood for Love, the sun and the moon shine together

They write wonderful chapters of life through hard study and practice

Explains the true meaning of struggling to achieve dreams

Let us listen to the experiences and deeds of outstanding graduates

Learn from advanced models

Absorb the power of role models

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       Name: Hu Shuanglin

       Professional class: Industrial Design Class 2001

       Political outlook: Member of the Communist Party of China

       Honors received: National Inspirational Scholarship,First-class scholarship in school、Second Class Scholarship;Won the school’s honorary titles such as “Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre”, “Excellent Student Cadre” and “Three Good Students”;Participated in technology innovation and entrepreneurship competitions many times,Won 2 provincial first prizes、1 second prize、5 third prizes、5 Excellence Awards;Published 1 utility model patent;Published 2 academic papers。

       Motto: The future is filled with roses, and the future is long.

Graduation Thoughts

       Time flies,Four years of college are fleeting,It’s too late to lament the rush of time,It’s already time to say goodbye。I understand now,We ended up at university,What I waved goodbye to was a period of youth。In these four precious years,I learned knowledge,Made friends,Broadened horizons,Reaped growth,Even though 188bet mobile loginthere is too much reluctance,Also keep moving forward。

       Graduation is not the end,But a new starting point。I will continue to maintain my passion for learning,Continuously pursue your own ideals and goals,Use what you have learned to make more contributions to society。Better wishes to all those who are about to leave school and head for the future,The future is promising,The future is promising,May the alma mater get better and better,The teachers are working well,The juniors and juniors are just like us back then,Have a dream,Heading firmly towards the stars and the sea。

Personal introduction

       Name: Liu Sitong

       Professional class: Asset Appraisal Class 2001

       Political outlook: Member of the Communist Party of China

       Honors received: Participated in many technological innovation and entrepreneurship competitions,Won 1 national award,24 provincial awards,5 school-level awards;Published 3 papers as the second author;1 provincial project approved。

       Graduation destination: Admitted to Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

       Motto: It is better to complain about being in the dark than to carry a lamp and move forward.

Graduation Thoughts

       Dear juniors and juniors,On the way to study,Maybe you have felt confused、Tired,Even want to give up,But please believe,Life is an unknown journey,There is no so-called end until the last moment。Study seriously when it’s time to learn,Let it go when it’s time to play,Be aware of yourself,Be brave enough to try new things,These experiences are valuable assets on the road to growth,They make you tougher、Mature,Also more capable to face future challenges。

Personal introduction

       Name: Qiao Lei

       Professional class: Environmental Engineering Class 2001

       Honors received: National scholarship、National Inspirational Scholarship,Special Scholarship、First Class Scholarship;Won the honorary title of "Three Good Students" of the school;Participated in technology innovation and entrepreneurship competitions many times,Won 1 provincial second prize、2 third prizes、1 Excellence Award。

       Graduation destination: Luoyang Qiaoyu Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

       Motto: If the green hills don’t wait for me, I will go to the rivers and seas.

Graduation Thoughts

       Time flies,The four years 188bet casinoof college passed by in a hurry,Graduation is just around the corner。Looking back on the past,I use my unremitting efforts and firm belief,Achieved a series of achievements,Not only has stronger adaptability and optimistic attitude towards life,What’s more important is the accumulation of four years of university study and the sharpening of professional skills,Enabled me to achieve a brand new self in the alternation of theory and practice。

       Graduation is another brand new beginning,I will continue to work tirelessly towards a better future。May we all cherish every moment,Live up to your time,Live up to yourself。

Personal introduction

       Name: Wang Huijie

       Professional class: Finance Class 2003

       Political outlook: Honors received by members of the Communist Party of China: Received Liaoning Provincial Government Scholarship,School-level special scholarship、First Class Scholarship;Won the title of “Shenyang Outstanding University Student”,Honorary titles such as "Outstanding Communist Youth League Member" and "Three Good Students" of the school;Participated in technological innovation and entrepreneurship competitions for many times,Won 2 provincial second prizes、3 third prizes、1 Excellence Award。

       Motto: Slow down your expectations and give luck some time.

Graduation Thoughts

       I am about to bid farewell to this familiar land,I feel reluctant to give up,Also looking forward to it。Juanjuan’s kindness,deeply impressed in my heart,Thanks to all the teachers I met during the four years of college,Every word and deed they say leads me forward;Thanks to my relatives for their hard education and selfless dedication for more than 20 years,Make my path smooth、Bright;Friends of all ages bring the breeze and the bright moon together,Walking to the sky,Thanks to the friends I met in college,In the vast sea of ​​people,You are like a neon light,In the dark and confused time of my life,Light up my colorful dreams。

       The road ahead is long and bright,Graduation is the end,It’s also the 188bet sports bettingbeginning。The four years of university life are just a journey on the long road of life,I will make this journey known、Learned、Feelings,Rush to the next mountain and sea with full love。I hope the teacher’s teachings will last forever,Peach and plum fragrance;May parents be prosperous and prosperous,Tangdi Tongxin;May my friends be blessed with spring breeze,Congratulations on the good times!

Personal introduction

       Name: Wang Xinyan

       Professional class: Pharmaceutical Engineering Class 2002

       Political outlook: Member of the Communist Party of China

       Honors received: Won the second-class scholarship of the school;Won the school’s honorary titles such as “Advanced Individual in Study Style Construction”, “Excellent Student Leader” and “Three Good Students”;Participated in technological innovation and entrepreneurship competitions for many times,Won 1 provincial second prize、2 third prizes、1 Bronze Award,1 school-level first prize。

       Graduation destination: Admitted to Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

       Motto: There are three ways to read, namely, the heart, the eyes, and the mouth.

Graduation Thoughts

       Time flies,Four years of college life are fleeting。Standing on the threshold of graduation,My heart is filled with endless emotions and longing for the future。

       Four years of college,It is an extremely precious time in my life。Here,I not only learned professional knowledge,It also cultivates the ability to think independently and solve problems,Discussions in every class,Every laboratory practice,all made me deeply appreciate the power and charm of knowledge。At the same time,I have also made a group of like-minded friends,We learn together、Common progress,Spent countless unforgettable moments。In the days to come,I will move forward bravely with the accumulation and insights gained in the four years of college,Continuously pursue higher goals。

Personal introduction

       Name: Wen Changjian

       Professional class: Computer Science and Technology Class of 2005

       Political outlook: Member of the Communist Party of China

       Honors received: National Inspirational Scholarship,First-class scholarship in school;Won the school’s honorary titles such as “Excellent Student Cadre”, “Excellent Communist Youth League Member” and “Three Good Students”;Participated in technological innovation and entrepreneurship competitions for many times,Won 1 provincial first prize、2 second prizes、2 third prizes,8 school-level first prizes。

       Graduation destination: Admitted to Beibu Gulf University

       Motto: Language is the bud,Action is the fruit,Determination is the seed,188bet casinoHard work is fertilizer!

Graduation Thoughts

       Time flies,Experienced the confusion of freshman year、Sophomore Determination、The efforts of junior year、The struggle of senior year,Looking back on the past,Those scenes of struggle are still vivid in my mind、Still fresh in my memory。In four years,I gained knowledge and experience,Maturity and calmness,Perseverance and perseverance,With expectations for the future and gratitude for the past,Embark on a new journey,I will remember the school’s teachings,Work unremittingly to realize your own life value。

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