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Departments and units:

       In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Especially General Secretary Xi Jinping’s remarks on Northeast China、Important speech and guiding spirit of Liaoning revitalization,Promote the prosperity and development of philosophy and social sciences in our province,Welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress 188bet online sports bettingof the Communist Party of China with excellent results,The Provincial Federation of Social Sciences holds the 2022 Liaoning Provincial Social Sciences Academic Annual Conference。We are now notifying you of the following matters regarding the call for essays on social science achievements for young people:

1. Theme and main contents of the annual academic conference

       The theme of the annual academic conference: Forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era.

       Content of the annual academic conference: Focusing on the comprehensive implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Innovative Development Philosophy and Social Sciences,In order to start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country、The Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides strong ideological and theoretical support;Focusing on the main line of work to welcome, publicize and implement the 20th National Congress 188bet online sports bettingof the Communist Party of China,Strengthen ideological and political leadership,Consolidate and expand the achievements of party history study and education;Focus on in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s remarks on Northeast China、Important speech and guiding spirit on the revitalization and development of Liaoning,Serving the central work of the party committee and government,To realize the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning、Providing intellectual support for all-round revitalization;Consulting decision-makers around promoting the exchange of results in philosophy and social sciences、Transformation of education and teaching,Better serve the society,Contents of the Annual Academic Conference on Design to Serve the Masses。

2. Essay objects and results time limit

       Youth Social Science Achievements Essay Competition is open to young philosophy and social science theoretical workers and practical workers in the province who were born after June 30, 1982。

       Achievement time definition: published or unpublished academic papers or research reports between June 2021 and June 2022。

3. Essay content

       In accordance with the theme determined by the annual academic meeting,Focus on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Focusing on the in-depth implementation of the new development concept,Coordinate and promote the “five-in-one” overall layout,Coordinate and promote the “Four Comprehensives” strategic layout,Focusing on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country、Major theoretical and practical issues involved in accelerating the revitalization and development of Liaoning and regional cooperation,Carry out research on theoretical and practical issues based on their respective disciplines and research fields,Highlight knowledge innovation、Theoretical Innovation、Method innovation。

4. Paper acceptance and review

       The call for papers for the annual academic conference 188bet slot casinois widely launched,Centralized review、Organize review by anonymous letter review。

       A call for essays on young social science achievements is collected from social science workers across the province by the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences,Do not participate in the essay solicitation for various special academic activities。Applicants who meet the requirements for youth social science achievement essays,Submit the call for papers to the scientific research management department of the affiliated unit for review,Unified summary after approval by the scientific research management department,Submit to the Provincial Federation of Social Science and Technology for review。

       The results of the selected meeting will be awarded a certificate by the Provincial Federation of Social Science and Technology,And select the best ones to include in the achievement collection。

5. Declaration time

       The deadline for on-campus acceptance of youth social science achievement essays is June 22, 2022,Overdue processing will not be accepted。

6. Application requirements

       The submitted results must closely follow the theme of the annual academic conference。Basic research focuses on research on academic frontiers and difficult issues,Strive for innovative theory,Guide to practice,Applied research focuses on the practice of reform and development in Liaoning,We must grasp the overall situation、Strategic and forward-looking,Highlight the reality、Targeted and operational。For the comprehensive revitalization of Liaoning、Providing theoretical support and spiritual motivation for all-round revitalization。All essays must comply with academic standards,The number of words in the paper shall not exceed 8000 words,Research report no longer than 20,000 words。

       This academic annual conference,Each person is limited to reporting 1 result,One result can 188bet casinoonly be reported to one reporting point。No more than 3 collaborators on the paper,No more than 9 people in the research report。All submitted results are plagiarized、Plagiarizing other people’s work or committing other acts of fraud,Once identified,Disqualified from participating in the competition or winning,All consequences shall be borne by myself。

7. Submit materials

       1. "2022 Liaoning Provincial Social Sciences Academic Activities Annual Conference Results Application Form" 1 copy of paper materials (1 copy with real name),2 copies of electronic text (real name、Anonymous 1 copy each)。

       2. Research results,1 copy of paper real-name materials,2 copies of electronic text (real name、Anonymous 1 copy each),Refer to "2022 Liaoning Provincial Social Sciences Academic Annual Conference Results Typesetting and Printing Format"。

       3. CNKI Screening Report,Individual submission of 1 paper copy of the screening report,Individual signature required。The repetition rate does not exceed 25%。

       4. Supporting materials,1 copy of paper materials (1 copy of real name),2 copies of electronic text (real name、Anonymous 1 copy each)。If the application results are rewarded at the municipal level or above,Or the leading comrades at the prefectural and municipal levels give instructions to adopt the decision-making method,may be publicly commented、Reprinted or quoted,Need to attach supporting materials。After verification by the scientific research management departments of relevant units,Paper materials in the form of copies、Submit electronic text in the form of scan or photo (do not use PDF format)。

       5.1 copy of "2022 Liaoning Provincial Social Sciences Academic Annual Conference Youth Social Science Achievement Application Summary Form",1 copy of electronic text。

       The request for anonymity does not reflect the author or his collaborators、Author’s unit name and other related information。Please submit the hard copy of application materials to the Science and Technology Department (Second Education 188bet slot casino213),Click on "Results Declaration Form"、Personal Screening Report、Research results、The supporting materials are arranged in order from top to bottom,Always use A4 paper for printing,Each copy is bound separately on the left side,Do not staple different materials together。The electronic version places real-name and anonymous materials in different folders,Package and send the summary table to the email address of the Science and Technology Department。


       Contact number: 31969316       


Attachment 1.2022 Liaoning Provincial Social Sciences Academic Activities Annual Conference Achievements Declaration Form

Attachment 2.2022 Liaoning Province Social Sciences Academic Activities Annual Conference Results (typesetting and printing format)

Attachment 3.2022 Liaoning Provincial Social Science Academic Activities Annual Conference Youth Social Science Achievements Application Summary Form

Attachment 4. Test report

Technology Department

May 13, 2022

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Address: No. 30, Quanyun Second West Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
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