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Shen Kejiao Tongzi [2022] No. 53


       Graduation internship is an important part of the internship practice in our school,Is an important link in the “3+1” talent training model。In order to effectively implement graduation internship work,Combined with our school’s “Graduation Internship Management Measures” (Shen Kefa [2022] No. 51,hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures") related requirements,The relevant requirements for graduation internship work for the 2019 class are now notified as follows。

1. Organization Management

       Graduation internship work is carried out according to the overall work requirements of the school,Coordinated by the Academic Affairs Office,Detailed implementation by each department。

       All departments should attach great importance to it、Strengthen the organization 188bet slot casinoand management of graduation internships。It is necessary to organize various majors、Instruct teachers to learn and understand the requirements of the "Management Measures",According to the requirements of each module,Effectively organize graduation internship work。

2. Internship methods and planning

       (1) Graduation internship is divided into two parts: general course and internship module。

       1. General courses are professional courses and required courses, including:

       "Safety System Engineering" course (2 credits, 32 hours);

       "Engineering Ethics" course (2 credits, 32 hours)

       2. Course opening time and teaching assessment requirements

       The department arranges teachers to undertake teaching tasks。Adopt online and offline hybrid teaching,Online teaching resources for students’ independent learning,Teachers teach offline、Regular tutoring、Daily assessment,Offline hours account for at least 1/2 of the total hours。

       The class is scheduled to start in early August and will end within two weeks.

       (2) The internship module is divided into five ways。The specific organizational requirements are as follows:

       1.Each department must organize a special internship mobilization meeting and safety education meeting in the near future,The form can be based on the actual situation,Flexible development。Mainly explain the internship methods 188bet online sports bettingto students、Safety Precautions、Internship schedule、Internship Requirements、Assessment methods and assessment standards, etc.。The internship mobilization meeting should be completed before May 30,Specific time、Location、Report to the Academic Affairs Office for filing。

       2.The Course Selection Module is opened in the Academic Affairs System by the Academic Affairs Office,After mobilization of internships in various majors,Organize students to choose different internship methods in the academic affairs system。

       3. Professional collective post internship

Each department combines the school-enterprise cooperation situation of the unit and the corporate positions recommended by the Employment Office,Organize students to choose internship positions。Professional collective position internship,Should contact the internship unit、Students sign a tripartite agreement,And obtain the informed consent signed by the student’s legal guardian (or parent),Students from the same internship unit can sign an entrustment agreement,Centralized processing (see the attached agreement for specific requirements)。Specific internship information should be determined before the end of July。

       Tripartite Employment Agreement、Parental Informed Consent Form、See attachment 1 for the template of the power of attorney 188bet online sports bettingfor signing a contract。

       4. Project management training

       From "Engineering Project Management" (2 credits, 32 hours)、"Engineering Project Management Software" (such as Project software) (2 credits, 32 hours)、Case training (8 credits) consists of three courses。The two courses of engineering project management and software will start in early August,Course will end in two weeks。Case training is from the beginning of the seventh semester to mid-December。

       5. Class competition innovative training

       Take provincial innovation and entrepreneurship training projects organized by the school and national (provincial) innovation and entrepreneurship competitions as the main forms,Should be determined before the end of July。

       6. Skills and qualification training

       Organized by the department,Meet the requirements for this content in the "Management Measures"。Usually determined before the end of July。

       7. Independent internship

       Carry out work in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Management Measures"。Before the end of July,Submit the internship agreement signed by the student and the internship unit (the template can be specified by the company,In principle, it should reflect the requirements of the template in Appendix 1) and parent informed consent。

3. Description

       There are many details in the organization and implementation process of this graduation internship,188bet casinoDepartments and instructors need to be student-centered,On the premise of ensuring the quality of graduation internship,Feedback to the Academic Affairs Office in a timely manner,Work together to promote the progress of various tasks,Implement various content requirements。


       1.Tripartite Employment Agreement、Parental Informed Consent Form、Signing Power of Attorney Template.docx

       2. Management Measures for Graduation Internships

Academic Affairs Office

May 18, 2022

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