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        Recently,China Education News、Shenyang Evening News、People's Daily Online、NetEase and other major 188bet online sports bettingsocial media have reported and reprinted the “3+1” talent training model implemented by our school,It has effectively won a good reputation for our school to take multiple measures to achieve high-quality employment for students year after year,It also injects new impetus into the comprehensive implementation of the precision employment project in our school in the future。

        “3+1” talent training model,That is, students in school complete professional courses in the first three years according to the professional training plan。In seventh semester,Students need to conduct 188bet sports bettinggraduation internships in relevant companies,Laying the foundation for smooth integration into society upon graduation。This scientific training model adopts the method of "theoretical foundation" + "practical skills" + "humanistic qualities",Accurately locate training goals,Positioning students’ professional development and regional industry development、Job Requirements、Connecting enterprise human resources needs,Provide more internships for students、Practice opportunities and employment positions,Let students be exposed to the future 188bet online sports bettingwork environment earlier。From the moment students choose their major,You can learn and practice with goals。After graduation and passing the examination,You can enter the enterprise,Realized seamless connection between schools and enterprises。


        China Education News: http://paper.jyb.cn/zgjyb/html/2016-06/24/content_458687.htm?div=2


        Shenyang Evening News:http://epaper.syd.com.cn/sywb/html/2016-06/24/node_52.htm


        People's Daily Online:http://ln.people.com.cn/n2/2016/0621/c344306-28538170.html


        NetEase Liaoning:http://liaoning.news.163.com/16/0621/04/BQ2C410803501DNJ.html

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