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       In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education on Further Strengthening the Contact with University Leaders to Serve Students",Actively respond to the concerns of students,Helping students solve practical difficulties,Further education guides all young students in the school to implement their understanding and actions into studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi 188bet slot casinoJinping’s important speech during his inspection at Renmin University of China,Firmly establish “obey the party’s words、The ideals and beliefs of “Follow the Party”,Hone your character in the practice of epidemic prevention and control、Strive for excellence,Recently,Party Secretary Geng Naiguo and the dormitory director、Floor length,Student representatives from the Department of Chemical Engineering in charge of docking held four symposiums,Know the study and living status of students in a timely manner,Sending care and greetings to students,Enhance the firm confidence of students to fight the epidemic together。

       During the discussion,Secretary Geng Naiguo cordially inquired about the students studying at school、Life and extracurricular activities,Listened carefully to the students’ comments on the final exam、Internship Practice、Exam employment、Teaching schedule、Concerns about item shipping and 188bet casinoother issues,Students’ thoughts、Food safety、Conducted extensive exchanges with students on closed campus management measures and student self-management,Carefully answer the common doubts of students,Instruct relevant departments to implement the problems that can be solved immediately。He also urged students to strictly abide by the school’s management regulations during the epidemic prevention and control period,Personal protection、Establish a correct mentality,Maintain good hygiene、Develop healthy habits,Strengthen rule awareness、Increase sense of responsibility,Work together to make due contributions to defeating the epidemic as soon as possible。

       At the same time,Secretary Geng Naiguo pointed out during the exchange with students,Young students should strictly demand themselves in accordance with General Secretary Xi 188bet slot casinoJinping’s important speech during the inspection of Renmin University of 188bet casinoChina and the important speech at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China,Live up to General Secretary Xi Jinping’s ardent hopes for young students,Strive to be the young people of the era who are responsible for the important task of national rejuvenation。

       This is still a critical period for epidemic prevention and control,Can we win the battle against the epidemic?,Can the life, health and safety of teachers and students in the school be well protected,We cannot do without the understanding, support and cooperation of our classmates。School leaders attach great importance to the service guarantee for teachers and students in all aspects during the closed campus management period,Normal and in-depth implementation of the work mechanism for contacting school leaders and cadres to serve students,Further weaving a tighter line of defense against the epidemic,Encrypted Contact 188bet sports bettingServices Student Network,Coordinate epidemic prevention and control and education and teaching work,Strengthen service guarantee,Strengthen humanistic care and psychological counseling,Strengthen students’ ideological education and behavioral guidance,Enrich cultural and sports activities,Realizing unified thinking in epidemic prevention and control、Team training、Improve ability、The goal of promoting development。

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