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        In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education on Further Strengthening the Liaison with University Leaders to Serve Students",Actively respond to the 188bet online sports bettingconcerns of students,Helping students solve practical difficulties,May 21,Geng Naiguo, secretary of the school party committee, held a symposium on student volunteer representatives in conference room 505 of the second teaching building,Understand the status of the volunteer team,Condolences to student volunteers。

        At the symposium,30 volunteer representatives from various teams spoke freely,Reviewed the volunteer service situation and personal experience since the campus closed management。Since March 17th,Under the leadership of the school party committee,School Youth League Committee、Student Union、Youth Volunteer Association responded positively,Rapidly recruit 188bet mobile loginand reserve more than 300 volunteers for epidemic prevention and control,16 nucleic acid tests for all service members,More than 10,000 items of supplies have been delivered to the North Campus for 66 consecutive days,Contributed youthful strength to win the battle against campus epidemic prevention and control。

        Secretary Geng fully affirmed the volunteer team’s nucleic acid testing in the school、Material distribution、Maintain order、Contributions made in cultural and sports activities, etc.,After carefully listening to the reports of the student volunteers。Express hope to all volunteer students,First, we must pay attention to the epidemic as always,188bet sports bettingProtect yourself,Follow the command、Unified Action;The second is to regard learning as the fundamental task,Taking care of your studies while volunteering,Read more to enrich your spiritual and cultural cultivation;The third is to strictly demand yourself in your study and life,Use your behavior to influence and help the students around you。Create a distinctive Shenke volunteer team,Let Shenke’s volunteer team become a beautiful business card of Shenke。

        Volunteer students expressed their opinions one after another,Be able to communicate face to face with school leaders,Feeling very kind and encouraged,The party flag refers to the direction of the regiment flag,Must 188bet sports bettingcontribute your own shimmering power,Unite and lead the young students to work together with the school、Together we will overcome the difficulties,Build a solid fortress for school epidemic prevention and control。
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