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According to the decision -making deployment of the Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, in accordance with the school's "Implementation Plan on Studying and Promotion and Implementing the Party's Twenty Spirit" and the relevant spirit of mobilizing deployment conferences 2. Education and guidance of the teachers 188bet appand students of the school transformed the effectiveness of learning into the spirit of entrepreneurship. At 9 am on November 30th, our school held the 205 conference room to study and implement the party's 20th spirit of Shenyang Science and Technology Institute.

         This meeting is sponsored by the Party Committee of the School and hosted by the School of Marxism. At the meeting, Xiao Shizhong, a member of the Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee, read out the relevant content of the "Notice of the Committee of Shenyang Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology on Establishing the Establishment of the Twenty of the Twenty of the Party's Twenty Spirit of Shenyang Science and Technology".


         After the four teacher representatives made the keynote speech 188bet free bettingin turn, Secretary Geng Naiguo continued to deliver a summary and mobilization speech entitled "Real stand, work hard, and make the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party spread vigorously and warmly." Secretary Geng fully affirmed the work done by Shen Ke’s propaganda team and the achievements made in the past.

         同时,耿书记对开展好校内宣讲工作提出了三点要求:一是以“冒热气”的方式开展全方位宣讲,切实增强影响力。全体成员要满怀激情、真情、深情,自觉承担起举旗帜、聚人心、育新人的使命任务,不断引导深化全校师生对二十大精神的理解,188bet sports betting增进对党的创新理论的认同。二是以“接地气”的方式开展创新性宣讲,切实增强吸引力。全体成员要首先做到真懂、真信、真正能讲清道理哲理学理,并运用各种生动活泼、群众喜闻乐见的形式,让广大师生听得懂、能领会、可落实。三是以“壮底气”的方式开展大力度宣讲,切实增强感召力。全体成员要把报告和党章当作“枕边书”,从理论和实践、历史和现实、当前和未来相结合的角度来学懂弄通悟,进而更好地将党的重大理论创新成果传递给他人,增强广大师生做中国人的志气、骨气、底气,奋力办好人民满意教育。


The holding of this special seminar and collective lesson preparation meeting 188bet online casinohas further stimulated the enthusiasm of all members of the preaching group to actively participate in the study and propagate and implement the primary political task of the 20th spirit of the party. Members of the preaching teams attended the meeting that in the future preaching work, in accordance with the arrangement of the party committee of the school, designed the "curriculum table", drawing the preaching "tactical board", implementing the "construction drawing", and making full use of the Internet

         The main leaders of the Party Committee Organization Department, Party Committee Propaganda Department, Party Committee United Front Work Department, Party Committee Teachers' Work Department, Party Committee Student Work Department, Academic Affairs Office, Secretary of each Party General Branch and 188bet sports bettingDirectly Undertaken Branch, Teachers of the School of Marxism and other members of the propaganda team strictly follow the The epidemic prevention and control requirements are required to attend the meeting in a combination of online and offline ways.
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