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       In order to conscientiously implement the relevant work of "Campus Safety 188bet online sports bettingActivity Month",Strengthen safety education,Popular safety knowledge,Improving the school safety work management level and the safety quality of teachers and students in the school,Strive to create peace、Harmonious campus environment。Student Dormitory Management Department at noon on November 15th,Organize and carry out the "Safety Month·Safe Travel" signing event in front of the second teaching building。

       This event received positive responses from teachers and students,Students actively participated,Sign their names with 188bet slot casinofull enthusiasm。Campus safety has always been an important and unremitting task of our school,To effectively maintain campus safety,This "Campus Safety Activities" series of activities respectively involves "Campus Safety Lecture Hall Activities"、"Safety Education Promotional Video Display"、"Campus Safety Knowledge Competition"、"Fire Safety Drill"、"Safety Hazard Investigation" and other activities,Aimed at a variety of activities,Let more students be included,Thus enhancing safety knowledge,Strengthen 188bet mobile loginawareness of hidden dangers,Improve security capabilities。

       The "Safety Month·Safe Travel" signature event serves as the prelude to our school's "Campus Safety Activity Month" and has received positive responses from teachers and students,I believe that through subsequent rich campus safety education activities,While improving the management mechanism,Further strengthen bottom-line thinking,Consolidate the campus security network,Put safety awareness into people’s minds,Work together to build "Safe Shenke"、Harmonious Campus”。

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