Noon on June 14, 2017,Shenyang University of Science and Technology’s first "Shenyang Science and Technology Innovation 188bet free bettingTour",The final of the debate competition on the theme "Thinking Helps Revitalization" was held in Classroom 424, Teaching Building No. 2,Li Shujuan, Social Science Teaching and Research Section, Ministry of Basic Affairs、Teacher Liu Fang serves as the judge,Leaders and teachers from various departments attended as guests。This debate was held by the Department of Mechanical 188bet online betting websiteand Transportation Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering around "Are we getting closer or further away from the truth in the era of self-media"。
During the competition,188bet mobile loginThe debaters responded calmly,Extensive quotations,To be deleted,Stick to your position,With tit-for-tat values,Contact Actual,Combined with the principles of Marxist philosophy,Quotations from scriptures,Debate on both sides of the argument。After the debate,Teacher Liu Fang congratulated the two teams that entered the finals,And comment on the game。Praised the players for their wonderful performance,And correct the players’ deficiencies。In the end, the Department of Mechanical 188bet online betting websiteand Transportation Engineering won the championship of this debate,Chemical Engineering Department won the runner-up。
The successful holding of this debate,Shows students’ critical thinking skills,Improved students’ adaptability and Collaboration ability,Strengthened the collective centripetal force of students。Promoted the development of campus culture of Shenyang University of Science and Technology,Contribute youth to the core values of socialism。