In order to further implement the spirit of the document 188bet online sports betting"Notice of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education Office on the Construction of School-Enterprise Alliance",Based on the current development level of our institute’s innovation and entrepreneurship work,Comprehensive implementation of the newly revised application-oriented training plan,Build an innovation and entrepreneurship education system that integrates "awareness-knowledge-quality-ability",April 28, 13:30,The Department of Information and Control 188bet appEngineering held an educational lecture on the theme of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" for all 2013 students in the second teaching building in Room 201。This lecture successfully invited Director Liu of Beijing Region of Huike Education Group as the keynote speaker,Some professional teachers attended the lecture。
This lecture mainly combines the development status of the mobile Internet industry,From Baidu、Alibaba、360、Tencent、WeChat、Yixin and other cases are imported,In-depth analysis of the 188bet apkfactors influencing its success,Combined with the development status and trends in the computer field,Proposed the market demand for modern informatization,Employment for students、Laid the foundation for entrepreneurship。