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       In order to further condense the unique and integrated features of our school,Implement the "Implementation Opinions of Shenyang University of Science and Technology on Further Promoting the In-depth Integration of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and Professional Education",Comprehensively 188bet slot casinoimprove teachers’ teaching level,188bet casinoThe School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education carries out "Expertise, Innovation, Integration and Exchange,The lesson preparation action with the theme of "preparing lessons, polishing lessons and promoting growth",Evening of March 7th,In the smart training area of ​​the mass entrepreneurship and innovation base、Lectures and demonstrations in the roadshow area and conference area。Four teaching supervisors in the school、1 specially invited professor and 2 associate professors formed a supervision team to attend the event and provide comments and guidance,8 teachers giving on-site teaching。


       This class grinding activity is strongly supported by the school’s Teaching Quality Management Office,188bet slot casinoThe supervisor comments on the teacher’s lesson performance one by one。They said,The overall performance of the teachers in the first round of teaching was good,Recognized the dedication and efforts of innovation and entrepreneurship teachers in teaching,Dare to break through the limitations of teaching materials,Based on the professional status of the students taught,Customized teaching content,Having grasped the key points,Highlights again,Reflect the central position of the course by combining examples from life,And skillfully integrate the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea into the classroom,Achieve "Moisturizing Things Silently"。

       At the same time, the supervision team also pointed out the problems 188bet online sports bettingexisting in the teaching process of teachers one by one,Given pertinent suggestions,For example, actively communicate with students through eye contact、Gesture communication and interaction,Simplified PPT content layout,Scenario-based teaching expansion,Writing on the blackboard,Problems such as course import,Recommend teachers to keep up their efforts,Repeatedly polish the course,Strive for perfection。

       By organizing this training activity,Effectively solved practical problems for teachers,Improvement suggestions put forward by the supervision team,Further improved the education and teaching level of teachers,Enhance teachers’ sense of responsibility and mission for school education and teaching,188bet casinoThe School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education will continue to explore,Improving the curriculum system,Further contribute to condensing the unique characteristics。

188bet slot casino
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