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In order to hold a high-quality democratic life meeting for party members and cadres in 2024, on December 26, the theoretical study center group (expanded) 188bet online bettingof our school’s party committee held a special study meeting before the democratic life meeting. At the meeting, in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on holding a democratic life meeting for party members and leading cadres of party members and state agencies above the county level in 2024", the participants reviewed and studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on party building.

       会议指出,要持之以恒深化理论武装,紧扣“深学、188bet app download悟透、落地”三个关键点,坚定不移地用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,确保在政治方向上的正确性与党中央保持一致。既要在全面学习掌握党的创新理论、扎实领悟运用党的创新理论上多下气力,也要注重把理论学习、问题整改、推动发展等贯通起来,确保学校各项建设事业始终沿着以习近平同志为核心的党中央的指引方向稳步前进,切实做到学思用贯通、知信行统一。

The meeting emphasized the need to continue to build political loyalty, deeply understand the decisive significance 188bet sports bettingof the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards". It is necessary to temper political character, faithfully perform duties, strictly abide by political disciplines and political rules, actively serve the country's major development strategies with practical actions and work results, serve the three-year action of new breakthroughs in Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization, respond to the concerns of teachers and students in a timely manner, and solve them with heart and emotion

188bet slot casinoThe meeting requested that we must adhere to the strict and practical implementation of the democratic life meeting system. We deeply understand that holding a good democratic life meeting is an important way to carry out serious intra-party political life, and implement strict requirements throughout.

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