In accordance with the requirements of the Education Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee 188bet online bettingon carrying out the performance review and assessment of the Party Secretary of Party Organizations in the province's colleges and universities, on December 30, the school Party Committee held the 2024 Grassroots Party Organization Secretary in the 505 Conference Room of the Second Teaching Building. Work review and appraisal meeting.
At the meeting, the party organization secretaries of each secondary unit reported their work to the school party committee one by one, focusing on the performance of grassroots party building in 2024, 188bet app downloadexchanging their respective work highlights and results, analyzing the problems and causes of party building work, and putting forward Ideas and measures for the next step in party building work.
党委书记耿乃国对现场述职的基层党组织书记抓党建工作进行逐一点评。他指出,各基层党组织书记抓党建工作有思路、有举措、有成效,突出用党的科学理论凝心铸魂、突出压实管党治党政治责任、188bet slot casino突出党建与业务融合推进,充分肯定抓基层党建工作取得的成绩,同时也对党员队伍建设、党建品牌创建、“一融双高”建设等方面存在的不足提出改进的意见和建议。党委领导班子其他成员结合工作分工进行了点评。
耿乃国在讲话中强调,基层党组织书记抓党建工作述职评议考核是加强基层党组织建设的重要抓手,各基层党组织书记要以此为契机,找准问题、补齐短板、188bet Casino Review明确目标,更加有力地落实学校各项决策部署,更加有效地统筹党建和业务工作,知责于心、担责于身、履责于行,确保党建工作与业务工作始终紧密相连、深度融合,充分发挥出党组织的引领保障作用,为学校事业高质量发展筑牢坚实的政治根基。
Geng Naiguo put forward three requirements for further improving grassroots party building work. First, we must grasp theoretical study and strengthen ideological guidance.
After the on-site work report, the relevant comrades present at the meeting 188bet Casino Reviewevaluated the party-building work reports of the party organization secretaries of the school's 10 second-level units based on the on-site work report and written work report of the party organization secretaries of each second-level unit.