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       In order to guide our school students through contemporary language content and media forms,Creation is full of positive energy、Integrated media hosted communication works that embody mainstream values,Tell Chinese stories well、Spread the voice of China,Notice of our school’s decision to organize and participate in the 2022 Liaoning Province General College Undergraduate Integrated Media Host Competition

1. Organizer

       188bet online sports bettingSponsor: Liaoning Provincial Department of Education

       Organizer: Liaoning Normal University

       On-campus sponsor: College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center

       On-campus sponsor: Department of Management

2. Participant objects and requirements

       All current students in our school can participate。The entry form is individual entry。

3. Competition content and methods

       1. Preliminary Round

       The content and methods of the competition shall be determined by the co-organizing universities as reference for the semi-finals、Set your own settings for the finals。


       Contestants need to focus on "Digital Liaoning、The theme of "Building a Strong Province with Intelligence",Combined with suitable shooting scenes,Use camera、Mobile phone、Microphone and other audio and video equipment,Complete the creation of a short video with live reporting or location hosting as the main content,No longer than 3 minutes。


       The final adopts the method of live competition and is divided into three links:

       First round: Vitality anchor

       188bet online sports bettingContestants revolve around "Digital Liaoning、The theme of "Building a Strong Province with Intelligence", Combined with suitable shooting scenes,Use camera、Mobile phone、Microphones and other audio and video equipment collect location materials (must include on-site reporting or location hosting),Complete a hosting demonstration of no more than 3 minutes at the competition site based on the above content。

       Second round: a perfect match

       Every two players are a group,Select questions on site for two-person partner hosting,Requires tacit cooperation,Novel form,Be able to fully demonstrate your own style and characteristics,Limited to 5 minutes。

       Third Round: Keynote Speech

       Contestants will draw questions on the spot,Give an impromptu speech around the theme,Requires polite conversation,Language refinement,Outstanding style,Effective in communication,Limited to 3 minutes。

4. Competition time and registration method

       1. Competition time:

       Preliminary Round: Deadline is August 31, 2022

       Rematch、The finals are planned to be held from September to October 2022。

       2. Registration method

       188bet casinoAll contestants fill out the personal registration form (Attachment 1) for the "2022 Liaoning Province Undergraduate Integrated Media Host Competition for General Universities and Colleges" Video Information Form (Attachment 2) and the letter of commitment to the originality of the work (Attachment 3) are then uploaded to the Liaoning University College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management Platform http://cxcy.upln.cn/。

5. Award setting

       The competition has first, second, third place prizes and an excellence award.

6. Contact information

       School contact teacher: Teacher Chen Meng

       Contact number: 15041290816

       School contact student: Zhu Weiming

       Contact number: 17539515280

       Contest QQ group: 765030757

       Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17HnnFlmeGZXUIhjjJYgA9Q?pwd=9656

       Extraction code: 9656  

College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Center

June 30, 2022

188bet slot casino
Address: No. 30, Quanyun Second West Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
Postcode: 110167 Tel: 024-31679767/31969585
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