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       In accordance with the "Notice of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education on Further Strengthening Contact with University Leaders to Serve Students"、Requirements of the "Implementation Plan of the Shenyang University of Science and Technology Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Work of Leading Cadres 188bet sports bettingto Contact and Serve Students",Actively respond to the key and difficult issues that students are currently concerned about,Really help students solve practical difficulties during school,Further keep in mind the original intention and mission,Strengthen political leadership,Promote grassroots work to strengthen accountability, strengthen the foundation, and strengthen efficiency,Hone your character in the great practice of epidemic prevention and control,Grow your talents,The evening of May 24th,Principal Chen Baodong went to the dormitories of some students in the Department of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering to understand the students’ final review status,At the same time, I send care and greetings to the students。

       During the visit,Principal Chen Baodong cordially 188bet sports bettinginquired about the students’ preparation for the final exam、Living conditions at school,Listened carefully to the students’ comments on the final exam schedule、Academic status、Reconstruction and other concerns,Students’ thoughts、Examination of style and discipline、Academic status、Had cordial exchanges with students on epidemic prevention and control management and other aspects,Carefully answer the common doubts of students。And urged students to strictly abide by the school's rules and regulations during the epidemic prevention and control period,Strong confidence in fighting the epidemic,Reasonably arrange final review,Personal protection,Maintain good work and rest habits,Strengthen mission responsibility,Work together to make 188bet mobile logindue contributions to campus epidemic prevention and control。

       At the same time,Principal Chen Baodong pointed out during the exchange with students,The majority of young students should strictly demand themselves in accordance with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China,Resolutely "A strong young man will make a country strong",The belief that as young people progress, the country will progress”,With the expectation that "hope is placed on you",Inspire the pride of "dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky",Shouting the slogan "Dedicate your youth to the motherland"。Dare to take responsibility,Bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities,Join the great struggle、Great 188bet slot casinoProject、Great cause、Great dreams in magnificent practice,Work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

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