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      A few days ago,The 2020 Liaoning College Student Advertising Art Competition has come to an end,The 14 works selected by our 188bet mobile loginschool stood out among more than 5,000 works across the province,Won two first prizes、1 second prize and 5 excellence awards。

      The National College Student Advertising Art Competition is organized by the Ministry of Education、Supported by the Ministry of Finance’s “Quality Engineering”、Guidance from the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education,Ministry of Education Teaching Steering Committee for Journalism and Communication Majors in Colleges and Universities、The only Category A competition in liberal arts in national universities co-sponsored by the Advertising Education 188bet slot casinoProfessional Committee of the China Higher Education Association,Is the largest in the country so far、Covering the most colleges and universities、Participating teachers and students,National competition with the highest level of works。In the province, this competition is hosted by the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education,Organized by Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts。This competition is launched with the theme of public service advertisement "Fighting the Epidemic",Total from "Natural Hall"、The contents of 11 categories of works participated by 10 companies including 188bet mobile login"Wahaha" are expanded in propositional style。

      Our school achieved good results in this competition,This is the result achieved by our school in recent years by implementing scientific innovation and entrepreneurship education concepts and models,It also fully proves that our school’s construction and development of design majors and teaching achievements have been recognized by experts and peers,Strengthened our schoolInnovative and entrepreneurial abilities of teachers and students,Improved the quality of training applied talents。

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